Why Choose Ramp-Up?
Ramp-Up goes beyond just college access. The curriculum addresses five essential pillars of readiness: academic, admissions, career, financial, and social and emotional readiness. The Ramp-Up program:
- Uses a Tier One, school-wide approach to support all students in their postsecondary preparation
- Provides an easy-to-use, living curriculum that strives to engage students in deep reflection and improve the intellectual quality of students’ thinking around each pillar of readiness
- Asks students to reflect on their hopes and dreams and to continually assess their progress toward those goals
- Is affordable
Schools in California, Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Connecticut have implemented Ramp-Up to Readiness

Feedback from program users includes:
“…We are seeing positive results in terms of improved student study habits and a greater focus on their own ownership of their futures and studies. I really do see that it is making a difference. It is exciting!” --school principal
“There are kids who started the school year in all general classes who don’t view themselves as college-bound and so I think Ramp-Up helps show that more kids are college-bound than they think.” —8th grade teacher
Ramp-Up to Readiness is evidence-based. Research that supports the design of the program can be found here
Furthermore, positive feedback from program users is strong and has been independently validated by the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) in two separate studies.
Students feel Ramp-Up is effective:
“I now know more about college and I have an idea of what I want to do in college” –student at St. Paul Public Schools
“There are kids who started the school year in all general classes who don’t view themselves as college-bound and so I think Ramp-Up helps show that more kids are college-bound than they think.” —teacher at Burnsville Public Schools
Furthermore, educators say the program provides additional benefits:
- 100% of respondents (all principals) said Ramp-Up was helpful in establishing a college-going school culture.
- Ramp-Up’s school-wide approach, including all teachers and students in a school is advantageous.
- Conversations and school culture start to shift toward post-secondary.
→ The full report about how students perceive Ramp-Up can be found here Download
→ Findings about educator’s perspectives on Ramp-Up can be found here Download
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