College Readiness Tips for Families


Preparing a student for college begins early, and families are often grateful to learn concrete steps they can take to ensure their child is ready for postsecondary. 

The College Readiness Consortium at the University of Minnesota is committed to helping students and their families learn about all aspects of postsecondary, including what it means to be “ready.” We specifically focus on five essential areas of readiness, including academic, admissions, career, financial, and social and emotional.

We have just released our new tips for families on how to prepare students in each of these five essential areas.

We want all students to have equitable access to postsecondary information so that they can succeed in college. Preparing for postsecondary can begin early, and at home. This list provides ideas that families can implement from infancy to high school.

Click to download College Readiness Tips for Families